What Are The Misconceptions of Digital Marketing?Misconceptions of Digital Marketing

We’re going to dispel common misconceptions about digital marketing so business professionals, like yourself, can take their brand to the next level online.

Although digital marketing is an extremely effective strategy for businesses, some aspects are clouded in myth and misconception. Like all things brilliant, there are several inaccuracies regarding digital marketing. But the most important thing to remember is that it’s a necessity for businesses who want to grow online.

Take a look at some of the most common (and some are ridiculous) digital marketing myths out there!

Myth: Digital Marketing is For Big Businesses Only

Wrong. Whilst big businesses might be known for taking advantage of digital marketing methods with their huge budgets and fancy tech … small businesses have a lot to gain too.

No matter the size or industry of a business, digital marketing can be very rewarding for all.

  • – Selling without a physical store
  • – Potential global market
  • – Quick communication and engagement
  • – Consistent presence
  • – Gathering insightful analytics

Myth: Don’t Worry About Quality ContentMisconceptions of Digital Marketing

To build and expand a good business, it requires good content.

Content needs to be compelling, appealing to your target audience and rich with relevant keywords. The more consumers like what they see, the more likely they are to visit your website and fulfil an action.

Myth: Digital Marketing is Unimportant in My Industry

Your customers are online, fact.

With the rise of the online consumer (think about the increase in ecommerce stores and our obsession with social media), digital marketing has become a necessity for any business strategy.

Savvy businesses will implement digital marketing techniques, whether it be SEO or display advertising, to aid consumers in their buying decision.

Most of us turn to Google (maybe Bing or Yahoo) to find specific information – about a business and their products. We use social platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, to learn more about a brand. But what if you actually have no online presence?

Digital marketing is necessary to raise online brand awareness, to inform about businesses and influence consumers to fulfil business objectives. Without effective digital marketing strategies in place, businesses could be missing out on exposure, leads and sales.

Misconceptions of Digital MarketingMyth: Pay-per-click Replaces SEO

SEO can sometimes be dismissed because understanding is limited.

PPC can get results in a matter of minutes, but SEO is a lengthier process.

If you’re unsure what SEO is, check out our all-in-one blog post:

Failing to optimise your website to meet search engine standards can massively impact your ranking on SERPs. So, when a consumer uses Google, for example, to find a piece of information that you’ll be missing out on website traffic and a potential customer because your page is too far down on SERPs.


Maybe because digital marketing is an umbrella term there’s so many misconceptions. But whilst there are lot of segments to consider (for example; SEO, email marketing, PPC, social media marketing) people struggle to separate digital marketing myths from truths.

If you’re looking to learn more about digital marketing, you can do it here:

Why not check out our Digital Marketing Terms Glossary?

About the author:

Marie Harwood is a Digital Marketing Assistant at Different Gravy Digital, Hale, Cheshire.

Different Gravy Digital are a full service Digital Marketing Agency operating in the Hospitality & Leisure, Financial Services, Legal & Property sectors. Products and services range from; 3D & 360° Tours, Website Design & Build, Social Media, Video Production, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Content Creation, Email Marketing, Online Feedback / Review Systems and Paid Advertising (Google, Bing and Social Media).

Contact Details:


0161 706 000

120a Ashley Road, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2UN