How to Not Waste Time: Facebook Productivity Tools Is your Facebook productivity somewhat questionable? It takes a lot of self-control to open up Facebook and resist all temptations to have a quick check of your news feed, which can sometimes turn into hours of aimlessly scrolling like a zombie. It’s a habit for a lot of people, but lucky for us there are some excellent pieces of software designed to remove our distractions on Facebook,
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Beginner’s Guide to A/B Testing for Email Campaigns Email marketing presents a lot of opportunities for businesses to drive conversions and push return on investment. As a valuable marketing tool, it’s important brands know what is proving successful on their email marketing campaigns and what is having little effect on recipients. With this in mind, it’s vital businesses run A/B testing for email campaigns to improve their opening, click-through and conversion rates. You can catch
Read more 1Getting Started with A/B Testing A/B testing can be used to test anything, from websites to social media advertisements and sales emails. Instead of guessing what elements of a campaign are pushing conversions, A/B testing allows businesses to statistically analyse what’s working the best for them. What is A/B Testing? Also known as split testing or bucket testing, it’s the method of comparing two versions of content (like a webpage or email) to determine which
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