Getting Started with Guest Blogging We’ve already discussed the power of blogging for business, but blogging for websites apart from your own can be another way to build authority within your industry. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a small business or a large organisation, guest blogging can help your business grow in a number of ways. In this article, we will be explaining what exactly guest blogging is and the benefits that come along with
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You Can Now Include Music in Stories At the end of June, Instagram announced yet another feature: music in Instagram stories. No matter what your story is about there will be a soundtrack to fit any moment that can demonstrate how you’re feeling. “Instagram Stories is now used by 400 million every day, and we’re excited to give our community new ways to feel closer to their friends and followers.” - Instagram. Since Instagram Stories
Read more 0Top Tips to Get More Followers on Instagram Instagram isn’t just a place for people to share snapshots of their day. The platform has evolved to be a powerful content marketing tool where brands can raise their brand awareness, network with other businesses and connect with their audience. One of your business objectives on Instagram should be to increase your following since a greater following means more exposure for you. It’s a common question, particularly
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