Can Your Business Really Afford to Ignore Email Analytics?

Email AnalyticsProbably not.

We can use data to track the success of almost anything, including email marketing campaigns.

Data is the guide by which we make decisions and without the use of email analytics, businesses are going into their next campaign completely blind.

It simply isn’t enough to just send email campaigns, you need to know if what you’re sending is successful and whether you’re meeting business objectives.

Email analytics are the key to understanding your subscribers – the data prevents you from angering your recipients, sending spammy emails and failing to achieve high open and click-through rates.

In today’s article, we will be taking a look at what you can learn from email analytics and what your next steps should be.

What Every Business Can Learn from Their Email Analytics

1. How Many People Are Opening Your Email

Within your analytics reports, you’ll be able to see the number of people who opened a certain email.

Whilst every provider is different, Constant Contact allows you to see your open rate, average open rate and the date/ time each recipient opened your email.

What to do next:

Uncover which recipients are actively engaged – perhaps segment them into a separate list and consider upping your email frequency or sending discount codes for loyalty

Look at ways to improve your open rate – experiment with timings, email frequency and subject lines – Beginner’s Guide to A/B Testing.

2. What Recipients Found InterestingEmail Analytics

Your click-through rate (CTR) is a great indicator to what recipients found interesting. Discover how many clicks your email received and how many clicks each specific link achieved.

What to do next:

Use the clicks to guide your future content – analyse what topics and styles of content are engaging your audience the most and tailor your content accordingly

Follow up – for instance, reach out to people who clicked on your booking form but failed to complete it, give them a gentle reminder or ask if they’re struggling

3. What Device Recipients Open Your Email OnEmail Analytics

Around 59% of email opens occur on mobile, but this will depend on your own database.

What to do next:

  • Use a mobile-responsive template is key to ensuring all recipients get the most out of your email.
  • Ensure emails adapt to all screen sizes
  • Check how images / text align on smaller screens

4. Know What You Can do Better for Next Time

And finally, our most important point.

The more you study your email analytics, the more you’ll uncover about areas where you can improve. Always be on the look out for new ways to enhance your email marketing strategy.

We’ve put together a couple of ways you can improve your marketing based on email analytics:

Low CTR:

  • Clear CTAs
  • Short, snappy content
  • Possibly segmenting your database into different interests

Low Open Rate:

  • Experiment with different days and times
  • Focus on subject lines
  • Review the topics of your email and whether it will interest the reader

You don’t have to be an email marketing expert to look at analytics and ways to improve. Focus on measuring the impact of your efforts and how much your strategies are helping you work towards your objectives.

Do you have the time, resources and skills to run effective email marketing campaigns? Could we help?

Contact us for a free, no obligation consultation!

Tel: 0161 706 0004

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About the author: 

Marie Harwood is a Digital Marketing Assistant at Different Gravy Digital, Hale, Cheshire.

Different Gravy Digital are a full service Digital Marketing Agency operating in the Hospitality & Leisure, Financial Services, Legal & Property sectors.  Products and services range from; 3D & 360° Tours, Website Design & Build, Social Media, Video Production, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Content Creation, Email Marketing, Online Feedback / Review Systems and Paid Advertising (Google, Bing and Social Media).

Contact Details:

0161 706 000

120a Ashley Road, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2UN