How to Monitor and Improve Your Google Ads Metrics
If you want to achieve your Google Ads goals, you will need to regularly review and refine your account’s performance. One way to do so is by monitoring and improving your Google Ads metrics.
Monitoring your Google Ads metrics should be part of your regularly routine. With a tonne of information available for you to analyse – Google ads enables you to analyse campaigns, explore individual ads and review your keywords.
But just looking at the Google Ads metrics alone will not optimise your campaigns; businesses need to understand:
- – WHY the numbers are what they are
- – WHAT can be done to improve them
1. Cost per Conversion (CPC)

This measurement is actually very simple:
Ad spend / conversions = cost per conversion
When you begin to analyse your CPC, you should quickly be able to identify:
- Which campaigns have (what you think) an unacceptable cost per conversion?
- Which campaigns are brining your overall average up or down
How to Improve Your CPC:
Consider swapping your budget around – maybe reallocate some of your ad spend from an under-performing campaign to one that is generating better results.
Take a closer look are your campaigns with an unacceptable cost per conversion – review your creative, cost per click, CTAs and your landing page.
Review your successful campaigns and think about why they are performing highly. Can any of the practises be applied to other campaigns or ads?
2. Conversion Rate
Conversions / clicks the ad receives = conversion rate
When you begin analysing your conversion rate, it will become clear which campaigns require some improvement. Your conversion rate is a direct reflection on how good (or not) your landing page is at fulfilling the promise displayed in your ad.
How are your ads currently performing? Which ads or campaigns have a good conversion rate, and which ones are underachieving?
How is your landing page doing? When was the last time you optimised it or conducted A / B testing to discover which features achieve results?
How to Improve Your Conversion Rate:
Businesses can create engaging and compelling ads that successfully get users to click, but the ad copy can only do so much. It’s down to the landing page to persuade users to stay, engage and convert.
Focus on your landing page …
- – Update the messaging on your landing page
- – Review your key-selling-points
- – Test a new CTA
For more information, take a look at our blog post, How to Improve Your PPC Landing Page for More Conversions
3. Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

Number of clicks / impressions = CTR
A higher CTR results in a higher quality score which in turn reduces your CPC and increases your traffic volume.
Why are some ads achieving a higher click through rate than others? The higher your CTR the better – can your campaign scale higher? Are there any lessons to be learned and applied to other ad groups? Perhaps there isn’t – but it’s in your interest to check.
Your click-through-rate also offers an indication of the competition in your ad space. If your CTR dramatically drops, for example, then this could indicate you have a new competitor, or an existing competitor is upping their game.
Curious to see what your competitors are up to? Get in touch with Different Gravy for a free, no obligation consultation:
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Telephone: 0161 706 0004
How To Improve Your CTR:
- – Align your ad copy with your landing page
- – Consider using negative keywords
- – Adding ad copy variations
- – Analyse your ad extensions
- – Refine and improve your targeted keywords
For more information on improving your click-through-rate, head over to our blog post for more information: *need to insert link*
4. Search Impression Share
Impressions / total eligible impressions = impression share
Your campaigns should be set up to be displayed to a specific audience for a specific purpose. But unfortunately, your ads won’t always be seen every time they have the potential to.
Essentially, if there are 100 chances your ad could be shown to your target audience, and it shows 70% of the time, then you have a 70% ‘search impression share’.
How To Improve Your Search Impression Share:
Ideally you want your ads to be displayed every time there is an opportunity and your impression share should be as close to 100% as possible.
Take steps to improve your quality score, see How to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score for in-depth detail.
Experiment with your ad copy including your CTAs, see our blog post, The Importance of Writing Engaging Ad Copy, to see how you can improve your content.
Consider increasing your bid, put your ad in a competitive position by increasing the bid amount.
Adjust geographic location targeting (if applicable), your ads reach might be limited but displaying your ads to an uninterested audience is not desirable.
Final Words of Advice
You should never depend on one single measurement to be the final decision maker of the success (or failure) of your campaign. Instead, look at each single measurement as a place to start.
Really explore ‘why’ your campaigns are successful / failing and ‘what’ can be done to improve. This will help you to act – follow through on the action and you will in time see improvements to your PPC performance.
Remember that the performance of your ads and campaigns can go up and down. Website traffic changes from day to day, and this fluctuation may affect your Google Ads performance. Events can also heavily influence the number of impressions and clicks you achieve.
Want an Expert to Look Over Your Campaign?
A fresh pair of eyes looking over your campaign will work wonders. For fresh insights on how to improve your Google Ads metrics, contact Different Gravy Digital for a free, no obligation consultation:
Book a meeting:
Telephone: 0161 706 0004