Hosting Provider

Why Your Hosting Provider Has to be SEO-Friendly Using a reliable, SEO-friendly hosting service is one of the first things businesses have to worry about when launching their website. A hosting service can impact a website’s development, page ranking on search results and the overall performance of a website. What’s a Hosting Provider? It’s the company that provides the services required for your website or web page to be accessible on the internet. Websites are

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Has Twitter Violated GDPR? Twitter is under investigation by Irish privacy authorities for possibly violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). According to Fortune, Michael Veale - a privacy researcher from University College London - requested Twitter provide him with more information about the data they collect when users click an auto-shortened link to a tweet. As he is entitled to under GDPR regulations, Veale asked the social media platform to hand over all the

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De-Indexed by Google

Has Your Website Been De-Indexed by Google? There are a whole host of reasons why your website isn’t ranking on Google SERPs. Maybe it’s because your website just isn’t as good as your competitors and there’s some SEO improvements you can do - but it can also be because you’ve been de-indexed by Google. Whilst standard SEO practises might seem simple - actually seeing results can be more challenging than expected. There’re competitors to think

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