Instagram Pods

Have You Heard of Instagram Pods? Up until recently I had never heard of the term “Instagram Pod”. They’re also known as “Instagram Engagement Groups” - they’re a hack to beating Instagram’s Algorithm in an attempt to get more likes, comments, followers etc. It all seems pretty hush-hush, which is probably why we’ve never heard of them. If it’s an alien term to you too - then you’re in the right place. Instagram’s Algorithm Update

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A lot of the time when articles mention chatbots they comment how much better the use of a bot is compared to email marketing. Some experts are confident that communicating through a chatbot is a lot better than an email, but together they can boost sales and increase conversions. Businesses don’t have to abandon their email list to increase subscribers for their chatbot. The more ways you can reach your audience the better - chatbots

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Messenger chatbots

Messenger Chatbots Are the Future: Agree? Today, conversations can be automated and there’s no need to have people on-hand constantly to help consumers.  But, just a few years ago, the idea of having a robot help a consumer seemed ridiculous. It’s only in the past few years we have only just recognised the power of messenger chatbots and what they can do to help businesses. What Are Messenger Chatbots? There’s often some confusion about what

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