Beginner’s Guide to Retargeting Ads Approximately 96% of visitors who come to your website are not ready to buy. Which means that you’ll be lucky to persuade around the remaining 4% of your website traffic to buy what you’re offering the first time they visit your website. That’s a large percentage of visitors that you’re missing out on. But there is a strategy you can utilise to bring back your past website visitors – run
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Advertising Your Business on Bing A big question when it comes to paid advertising is choosing where to spend your advertising budget. The usual answer is to spend all your money on Google Ads. But there is another valuable platform that businesses forget – Bing. So, the question we want to answer is, ‘Should businesses advertise on Bing?”. Bing often doesn’t get much attention because it’s just seen as ‘that other search engine’. While Google
Read more 2Getting Started with Facebook Audience Network You’ve probably heard of Facebook Ads, where businesses can run advertisements on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram. But what you might not know is that Facebook can further the reach of your ads through the Audience Network. It might seem strange to waste your Facebook advertising budget on ads that aren’t even seen on Facebook, but it’s extremely savvy to show ads on the Audience Network. Stay tuned to learn
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