Getting to Grips with the Fundamentals of YouTube Advertising Take a look as we cover all the basic details there are to know about YouTube Advertising. Including what it is, the ad formats available and how the ads workDo you create branded videos? There’s no doubt that video is taking over – 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.With all the time and money invested into video production, you can’t stop at imbedding your video in the company homepage or organically posting it on social media with the hope it generates a few views.
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What Happens Now Instagram Is Removing Likes? Instagram surprised the digital world with its announcement that they are testing removing like counts and video view counts from posts in feeds. Following a number of tests, the decision was made to make posting on Instagram less about being a competition for likes and more about creating quality content and connections. The changes in Instagram’s algorithm (which is still rolling out) mean users will no longer view the
Read more 0Instagram is Doubling Stories Ads Instagram has confirmed it will be testing back-to-back story ads from various brands. A spokesman from Facebook said, “We’re always testing new ad experiences on Instagram and want to learn how people and advertisers respond to this small test,”. The testing will take place to see whether back-to-back Stories ads from different advertisers’ providers a more seamless user experience and to gather feedback. For now, the experiment is only involving
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