Knowing the Basics of GDPR The 25th May 2018 is coming around fast. In case you aren’t already aware, this is the date that will provoke a big change for companies across the UK. Affecting how they handle and use personal information. What is GDPR? After four years of preparation and plenty of debates, GDPR was finally approved on the 14th April 2016 by the EU Parliament – which will be enforced from the 25th
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What does a Social Media Influencer do? You’re more likely to visit a restaurant if a friend recommends it. That’s what a Social Media Influencer does, they act like a friend to the public giving their recommendations of what to do, what to buy and places to go. An Influencer will have a huge social media following, ranging from thousands to millions of followers, and a reputation to persuade their audience to do and buy
Read more 2Prepare for battle, Black Friday is almost here. For many, the thought of Black Friday is anything but appealing. Images of stressed shoppers pushing and shoving to fight over the last of the heavily discounted televisions and ridiculously early ques forming outside of super markets are good enough to give anyone nightmares. But are the deals too hard to resist? Are they that good, you’d be stupid not to suffer the pain of long ques?
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