Have You Discovered the Brilliance of Canva Yet? Imagery is a fantastic way to grasp the attention of your target audience, whether it be on your website, email marketing campaigns or social media posts. Canva is one of the easiest and effective design tools that ANYONE can use. Use Canva to create incredible visuals, from Facebook banners, Instagram images to infographics. Do I Need to be a Designed to Use Canva? Absolutely not. It’s simply

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Are Website Pop-ups Effective? Do website pop-ups help conversion rate optimisation? Or are they just annoying? In this article, we discuss the power of pop-ups and how to implement them. What Are Website Pop-ups? A website pop-up literally ‘pops-up’ on a web page.  They can appear at any time, when a user first clicks on a page, after a few minutes of being on a page or when a user clicks to leave a page.

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Session Recording

Session Recording: Effective or Invasive? Yesterday, we discussed Hotjar’s visitor recording feature. Which raises the question, are session recording tools an invasion of privacy? Or are they a powerful insight for businesses to understand their visitors behaviour? Protecting internet user’s privacy, particularly websites using session recording tools, makes an interesting debate. GDPR came into effect on 25th May 2018, which protects consumer’s data and privacy, so, do you think session recordings are an invasion of

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