Instagram Have a Possible Exciting New Venture Rumours are circling that Instagram, the Facebook-owned app, is planning a separate e-commerce app for shopping. Is it true? We don’t know, Instagram have kept their lips closed. When’s the launch? No one knows. Instagram has been a concrete platform for businesses to advertise their products and services, connect with their customers and implement marketing methods. The possibly-pending app could make it simpler for businesses to conduct a

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B2B and B2C email marketing

Beginner’s Guide to B2B and B2C Email Marketing B2B and B2C email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience, but only if they do it in the right way. Despite the rising trend of SMS marketing and paid social media advertising, email marketing has remained a strong method for businesses to convert their target audience into customers. Email marketing is far from dead, here you can discover why. In fact,

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B2B and B2C Social Media Marketing

Beginners Guide to B2B and B2C Social Media Marketing We all know a social media strategy is crucial for a business to reach their target audience, but no strategy is identical. Depending on who a business is intending to target, the social media strategy’s style and content will vary. If you’re using social media for B2B marketing, then your strategy is likely to be very different from a B2C strategy. In the early days, social

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