Beginner’s Guide to Social Media for Customer Service In today's article, we'll be looking at how businesses can use social media for customer service. Take on-board our tips and pay attention! We used to rely on word-of-mouth to make purchasing decisions. But with the development of technology, consumers often turn to social media to find answers to their queries, discover more about a brand and aid with the purchasing decision. We used to ask a
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The Benefits of Social Media for Small Businesses In this article, we'll be looking at the value of social media for small businesses. Small businesses can have a lot on their plate. Often, it’s their social media marketing that falls of the to-do list when they’re short on resources or time. Whilst social media marketing is time consuming … small businesses cannot afford to miss opportunities to reach and engage their target market. Not only
Read more 1How to Convert Your Instagram Engagement into Sales When done right, Instagram can be a rewarding platform for businesses to generate leads, sales and ROI. We talked yesterday about the use of Instagram Pods - a trick to generate greater engagement on posts. After discussing the short-term benefits of using Instagram Pods, we concluded that fake engagement doesn’t convert into sales. But the integrity of Instagram Pods raises a good question, how do you translate
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