Setting Your Business Goals for 2019 If all goes to plan, this time next year, you will have successfully completed your goals for 2019 … There is something motivational about the new year. For many businesses, the new year renews inspiration, enthusiasm and aspiration for improvement. Now is the perfect time to reflect on your 2018 and create your realistic goals for 2019. There are so many ways a business can improve, whether it be
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Our Predictions on Marketing Trends 2019 As we come to the end of 2018, marketers are looking ahead to see what’s just around the corner in 2019. We’ve put together our predictions for the top marketing trends of 2019, so your business can be prepared for the changes that could happen. As digital technologies develop their capabilities, businesses are becoming more savvy at how to use them and it becomes even more challenging for brands
Read more 1Getting Started with the Importance of Images Did you know the human brain can process visuals 60,000 times faster than text? Or that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual? Most consumers come across large quantities of marketing material everyday - but how are you going to get them to notice you? This is where the importance of images comes in - they’re eye-catching in a sea of marketing material. Are you at
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