Getting Started with Repurposing Content While your website may generate a good amount of traffic every day, it doesn’t mean you have peaked your content marketing potential. Breathe new life into used content and gain more value from your already published posts. Capture the attention of more of your audience by repurposing content to scale your traffic, generate greater awareness and push leads and sales. After you publish your latest blog post and promote it
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Your Guide to Duplicate Content Time and time again we hear that websites shouldn’t have duplicate content. While many businesses know that their website shouldn’t have duplicate content, it’s often the case they don’t know what it is or how it implicates their website. Keep reading to find out exactly what duplicate content is, how it may affect your SEO and how you can fix the issue. What is Duplicate Content? Google Support offers a
Read more 29Beginner’s Guide to A/B Testing for Websites In this article, we will be detailing how you can implement A/B testing for websites to increase conversion rates, generate leads, increase sales and boost ROI. Websites demand a lot of time and money, so you really should be making the most of it! From completing sign-up forms to booking an appointment to discuss your services, its important businesses know how to get the most out of their
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