I have operated in City Centre Manchester as a Personal Trainer for 7 years and my SEO ranking has always been okay (fluctuating between the bottom of page 1 and page 3 for my key words). When I initially spoke to Michael from Different Gravy Digital, I saw the benefit in what he was saying but was still slightly sceptical as the whole digital world is something of a minefield to me, so I saw it very much a leap of faith when I agreed to try reputation marketing. I am delighted to say it has revolutionised the way I recruit new business. My enquiries have gone from the occasional one per month to consistently receiving between 6 and 12 new enquiries month on month. Last month (July 2014) was a particular success; we signed up 9 new clients through online enquiries, resulting in an additional £3,400 per month / £40,800pa in new business alone being invoiced. Keep up the good work Different Gravy Digital.