Your Guide to Targeting on FacebookTargeting on Facebook

One of the top reasons why businesses fail with Facebook Ads is because they’re not targeting the right audience. In today’s article, we’ll be guiding you through targeting on Facebook and how to ensure you’re reaching the right audience.

With 93% of social media advertisers using Facebook Ads, its one of the most popular ways to promote an ecommerce business. While Facebook may be one of the most profitable ways to advertise a business, it’s really challenging to get them right.

Many businesses struggle to get their Facebook ads profitable, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not worthwhile to your business. If you’re struggling to see success from your Facebook ads, then it’s important you look for the cause and seek ways to correct it.

Facebook has 2.23 billion monthly active users, so it’s very unlikely your ads are not converting because your audience aren’t using the platform.

If your ads are incorrectly targeted, they will be shown across Facebook to users who have no interest in converting. Yes, the odd incorrectly targeted user might convert, and you’ll likely generate a few curiosity clicks – but you’ll get a lot more for your money if they’re correctly targeting the right people.

To fix the problem, first know your audience, their typical characteristics, traits, likes, dislikes and buying behaviour. Knowing in-depth information about your audience will ensure your ads are appearing for the right people.

Use our blog post “Who is Your Business Avatar?” to discover your buyer persona.

What to Know About Your Audience for Targeting on FacebookTargeting on Facebook

As the bare minimum you need to know:

  • – General location
  • – Age range
  • – Gender
  • – Languages
  • – Interests / behaviours

As you can see from the image on the right, the above bullet points are required to fill in all of Facebook’s sections.

Not every business will know their audience inside and out. Luckily, Facebook offers a tool, so you can research your preferred customer.

How to Use Audience Insights for Targeting on Facebook

Audience Insights will help you get to know the people who are important to your business, so you can understand what really matters to them. Discover their locations, interests, behaviours and much more – then create a meaningful message that will help your business grow.

Using Audience Insights, you can gather information such as:

Demographics: including age, gender, lifestyle, education, relationship status, job role and household size

Page likes: the top pages people like in different categories, like sports or restaurants

Location and language: where people live and the language that they speak

Facebook usage: the frequency in which your target audience logon to Facebook and the device they use

Purchase history: purchase behaviour and purchase methods

Targeting on Facebook

Audience Insights gives you the option of viewing this information for three different groups:

  1. 1. Everyone on Facebook
  2. 2. People connected to your page / event
  3. 3. People in Custom Audiences you’ve already created


With audience targeting on Facebook, you can choose the people who you want to reach.

Whether you’re a restaurant wanting local customers or a retailer looking for people who may be interested in your products, Facebook allows you to reach people based on refined targeting.

To get started creating your own ad, go to Ads Manager and work your way through the sections.

Take on board what we have detailed and see if you can mend some of your existing Facebook Ad campaigns or go and create a new one!

Why not check out our Digital Marketing Terms Glossary?

About the author: 

Marie Harwood is a Digital Marketing Assistant at Different Gravy Digital, Hale, Cheshire.

Different Gravy Digital are a full service Digital Marketing Agency operating in the Hospitality & Leisure, Financial Services, Legal & Property sectors.  Products and services range from; 3D & 360° Tours, Website Design & Build, Social Media, Video Production, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Content Creation, Email Marketing, Online Feedback / Review Systems and Paid Advertising (Google, Bing and Social Media).

Contact Details:

0161 706 000

120a Ashley Road, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2UN