The Basics of a Secure Website

Once you go down the rabbit hole of website security you will be faced with complex solutions and complicated concepts. But, sometimes the best methods to protect your website against hackers are the straight forward ones. Therefore, here are some fundamental things you must do to keep your website safe.
1. Keep Up-to-Date
Countless websites are hacked everyday due to insecure software.
It’s crucial you update your website as soon as there is a new plugin or version of your website available. Updates are there for a reason – usually to improve vulnerability or enhance the security.
2. Use Strong Passwords
The backend of every website is password protected.
It’s tempting to pick a simple password or one you have used before because it’s easier to remember, and while it may be tempting; you shouldn’t do it.
Strong passwords usually have a mix of capital and lowercase letters, punctuation and numbers.
Obviously, your password shouldn’t be easy to guess.
2. Keep a Back-up
Ensure you back up your website regularly, or after you’ve made changes.
Make sure your website’s files and folders are all accessible to you.
A reputable web host will back up your website routinely anyway – but it’s good to just be extra safe.
3. Keep Your Website List Clean
Every database, website application or new plugin is a potential entry point for hackers.
Erase any files, databases or plugins you no longer need and keep a structure to your files so it’s easier to delete unused ones.
4. Use HTTPs Hosting
HTTPS (Hyper Transfer Text Protocol Secure) is good practice for websites, it’s particularly important when users use your site to deliver something confidential; login pages, credit card details and personal information. By using HTTPS, instead of HTTP, there will be an encrypted connection between the browser and website, so data passed between then (like personal information) cannot be hacked.
Interested? Learn more: Website Security: HTTP to HTTPS
5. Get an SSL Certificate

If you want to swap to HTTPS (and we strongly recommend that you do) you’ll need to get an SSL certificate; many hosting providers will include you on their SSL certificate, so you don’t need to buy your own. Regardless, if you need to buy your own, they’re a wise investment and aren’t tricky to come by.
The Bottom Line
While our tips may seem obvious to you, it’s surprising how many businesses fail to comply with basic security procedures. With 30,000 websites effected with some form of malware every day, it’s vital you follow our fundamental tips and seek the help of an expert.
Let the Experts Keep Your Website Safe
While you can deal with the little things, you should seek security from a website hosting provider to ensure your website is in experienced hands. A reputable website host will make sure no hackers take your business for a ride.
If you’re looking to keep your website safe, with regular backups and security improvements, then contact Different Gravy Digital today.
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